目錄[隱藏] |
行政院退除役官兵輔導委員會 秘書長、副主任委員
行政院退除役官兵輔導委員會 秘書長、副主任委員
- 我中華民國國軍退伍軍人,當年為國光復台灣流血流汗,為確保台海犧牲奉獻; 一生以最寶貴的時光,貢獻給國家人民,現雖退伍、除役,但對捍衛中華民國、 關懷國事之熱忱,一如往昔!世界各民主國家,皆有退伍軍人團體, 我國退伍軍人福利事務,雖有行政院退輔會主管,但在本會成立前, 並無退伍軍人自己的社團組織。自政府解嚴後,若干政治團體從事街頭抗爭, 我少數退伍軍人之權益訴求,被利用為抗爭工具,影響我退伍袍澤為國家、 為民眾犧牲奉獻,得之不易的榮譽與形象。 退伍將校袁子濬、蕭而光、董雲奎、甯鴻賓等六十餘人有鑒於斯, 仍發起籌組中華民國退伍軍人協會;此一動機,當即受到有關目的 事業主管機關長官之鼓勵及廣大退伍袍澤兄弟之認同與支持。 本會依法定程序於民國七十八年(公元1988年)七月十九日成立, 經中央主管機關內政部許可立案,頒發立案證書,並經台北地方法院依法登記為社團法人。
- To protect Taiwan, many Chinese veterans shed their blood for the country and devoted all of their time and life to the country and people. Although they have retired the active service, their zeal to protect and love the Republie of China remain unchanged. There are veterans' groups in many democratic country. Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen, Executive Yuan (the cabinet) is-incharge of the welfare and affairs of veterans of our country, No veterans' group or entity was found before the foundation of VAROC. Some political groups protested on strees after the government lifed martial law. The few veterans that particpnted in these protest were singled. Their actions had greatly affected the honor and image of the veterans, In view of the reasons referred to above, sixty or more retired officers, including Mr. Yuan, Tze-Chiun, Mr. Hsiao, Erh-Kuang, Mr. Tung, Yun-Keui, Mr. Ning, Hung-Pin and others proposed to set up the Veterans Association of the Republic of China (VAROC). This proposal was highly encouraged by the VACRS recognized and supported by most of retired servicemen. VAROC was formally set up on July 19, 1988, being approved and accredited by the Minstry of the Interior (Certificate of Accreditation No. Tai-(1988-Nei-She-Tze-622904) It registered as a corporate body at Taipei District Court, Taiwan. Meanwhile, VAROC has been approved to enroll as a member of WVF at 57th committee in 2001 and confirmed by 23rd Members` Meeting of WVF.
- 促進退伍軍人團結情誼
To promode unity and fraternity of veterans.
- 爭取退伍軍人合法權益與共同福祉
To obtain legal rights and common welfare for veterans
- 維護社會安定
To maintain social stability
- 保障國家利益
To protect national interests
- 凡中華民國退伍軍人,贊同本會宗旨,均可申請入會為會員,其程序如下
- (一)團體會員:凡有關退伍軍人組成之各種合法團體,由本會理事二人以上之介紹 ,經總會理事會之通過得為本會團體會員。
- (二)個人會員:由會員一人之介紹,經總會或分級組織理事會通過,得為本會會員。
- Any Chinese veteran who recognizes our objectives may apply for enrollment as our member.Enrollment procedure is as follows;
- (1) Group Memver : Any legal group organized by veterans may apply for enrollment as our member on recommendation of two or more members of council and after approval by council of head office.
- (2) Individual Member : Anybody may apply for a member ship on the recommendationof one member and after approval by council of the heas office or branch.
- (一)權利
- 建議權及提案權。
- 選舉權、罷免權及被選舉權。
- 參加本會舉辦之各種活動。
- 享有本會舉辦之各項服務權利。
- (二)義務
- 遵守本會章程及決議案。
- 繳納會費。
- 會員代表出席本會會員代表大會。
- 參與本會指定之相關活動。
- 申請入會熱線: (02)25314754 分機 17 歡迎退伍、除役之義務役及志願役老中青退除袍澤,踴躍入會!
- (1) Rights
- To suggest and to propose
- To elect,to recall and to be elected;
- To take part in all activities or programs arranged by VAROC; and
- To enjoy all service and privileges offered by VAROC
- (一)會員入會費及常年會費。
- (二)會員捐款。
- (三)個人或團體對本社團法人之捐助。
- (1) Membership enrollment fee and membership see
- (2) Donation from the members; and
- (3) Donation from the individuals or groups.
- (一)國家社會潛在的資源力量。
- (二)有助於國家目標的達成。
- (三)對社會安定具有貢獻。
- (四)對退伍軍人權益訴求與意見整合,貢獻力量。
- (五)對政府施政與國會立法,具有正面的影響與價值。
- (六)與合法人民團體連絡,發表正義之聲。
- (七)以 W.V.F 會員國身分,對國際友誼貢獻心力。
- (1) To become national and social potential resources and force
- (2) To help achieve national targets
- (3) To have contribution to social stability
- (4) To combine and integrate petitions and opinions relating to veterans interests
- (5) To cause positive influence and value on administration of government and legislation of congress
- (6) To contact legal people's organization in order to express voice of justice;and
- (7) To promote international friendship in capacity of a member of WVF
- (一)以百萬會員為本會初期目標。
- (二)籌募基金成立基金會,以基金孳息,經費自給自足。
- (三)廣續為全體退伍袍澤謀求共同福祉。
- (四)敦促政府盡速完成退伍軍人權益法之立法程序。
- (五)拓展旅居國外我國軍退伍軍人組織。
- (六)發展國際退伍軍人聯誼,貢獻會員國對 ( W.V.F ) 之精神支持。
- (七)透過民主政治常規,參與中央與地方公職選舉。
- (八)支持政黨消弭台獨意識,以三民主義完成國家統一目標。
- (1) To recruit up one million members as our preliminary target;
- (2) To raise funds in order to set up a foundation; and to acquire expenses from interests of funds;
- (3) To keep seeking common welfare for all veterans;
- (4) To push the government to complete legislation of veterans Rights Law;
- (5) To develop our affairs abroas;
- (6) To promote friendship and exchange between members of WVF;
- (7) To take part in all elections through the democratic channel; and
- (8) To expel Taiwan-Independence consciousness; and to achieve unification target by Three People's Principles.