Starts a local proxy to the remote server
Usage: bore local [OPTIONS] --to <TO><LOCAL_PORT>
<LOCAL_PORT> The local port to expose
-l, --local-host <HOST> The local host to expose [default: localhost]
-t, --to <TO> Address of the remote server to expose local ports to [env: BORE_SERVER=]
-p, --port <PORT> Optional port on the remote server to select[default: 0]
-s, --secret <SECRET> Optional secret for authentication [env: BORE_SECRET]
-h, --help Print help information
Runs the remote proxy server
Usage: bore server [OPTIONS]
--min-port <MIN_PORT> Minimum accepted TCP port number [default: 1024]
--max-port <MAX_PORT> Maximum accepted TCP port number [default: 65535]
-s, --secret <SECRET> Optional secret for authentication [env: BORE_SECRET]
-h, --help Print help information