2015年11月22日 星期日




旅 美原大陆历史学教授刘因全:〝他在抗日战争时期,打了许多胜战,消灭了许多日寇,在这个方面,我们应该给他称赞肯定。抗日战争是一个反法西斯战争,也是个 民族战争,是进行保家卫国的,因为日本军国主义者,是侵略中国的,张灵甫在这个时候发挥了很大的作用,在这方面战功卓着,当然就是民族英雄。〞

26 号,中共中央机关报《人民日报》旗下《环球时报》,刊登国防大学教授徐焰少将的评论文章。文章称,有些人不忘〝借题发挥〞,走向某种极端。张灵甫虽然抗日 有功,但并未指挥过大的会战,将其拔高为〝名将〞,连当年的参战者也感到惊讶。而且,张灵甫积极参加内战,进攻解放区之过,是不能掩盖的。

原 陕西电视台记者马晓明:〝他在抗战中间确实是有过非常英勇的战绩,也是有过非常突出的战功,他在民族抗战的功绩,就连共产党也是不否认的。至于说到在与共 产党军队作战中间的战功、战绩,共产党自然不会对他的战功做正面的评价,肯定(说)他是一个罪人,是反共的军人这种身份。要在中国大陆公正的评价张灵甫的 功过,现在还不是时候。〞




刘 因全:〝共产党在中国发展起来,它是为了把中国变成苏维埃的一部分。他们占领了中国以后,就在中国施行所谓的共产主义、社会主义,结果把中国搞得专制、独 裁,饿死那么多人,屠杀了那么多善良正直的人,给中华民族带来了很大的灾难,张将军在抵抗中共的这种荼毒的时候,发挥了很大的作用,当然也是民族英雄。〞

据 了解,在8年的对日抗战中,蒋介石领导的中华民国政府,发动了大型会战22次,像台儿庄这样的重要战役1,127次,国军206位将军壮烈殉国,陆军伤亡 321万多名官兵,海军舰艇全部打光,空军4,321名飞行员牺牲,2,468架战机被击落。台湾投资中国受害者协会理事长高为邦表示,对日抗战是国民党 打的,中共让国民党军队去牺牲,他们保持实力等着〝收成〞。





采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁

Renowned General of The Anti-Japan War
Causing Concerns For The Regime.

The relocation of general Zhang Lingfu's remains
has become a hot topic among Chinese netizens.
Zhang Lingfu was a renowned Anti-Japanese War General
of the National Party (KMT).
He died during the war between KMT and
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
A CCP Major wrote an article praising Zhang Lingfu as the
"Renowned Anti-Japanese War Hero has special intentions."
Some pointed out the CCP dare not have a fair evaluation
of Zhang Lingfu, as it is worried about its own legitimacy.
Zhang Lingfu's remains were recently discovered
in a sheepfold.
Zhang Lingfu's descendants want the remains
to be moved to his home in Shaanxi Province.
However local farmers request an "appraisal"
fee of 200,000 yuan.

This piece of news has spread widely on the internet.

Netizens praised Zhang Lingfu's participation in many
major battles.
He also "attacked the Japanese invaders
and won many encounters."

U.S. based former professor of history Liu Yinquan, "Zhang
won many battles during the Anti-Japanese War.
He eliminated many Japanese invaders. In this regard,
we should definitely praise him.
The Anti-Japanese War was a war against fascism,
as well as a war to fight for our nation.
Japan was invading China; he was protecting our homeland.
He played a big role in this and for sure he is a national hero."

On Jan. 26 the CCP media Global Times published an article
written by National Defense University professor Xu Yan
Major. The article said that some people remembered to
"state their intentions" through some extreme motives.
Although Zhang Lingfu won exploits during the Anti-
Japanese War, he did not command any large battles.
Overstating him as a renowned general would even
shock participants of these battles.
Zhang Lingfu was also active in the civil war against
the CCP. These things cannot be covered up.

Former Shaanxi TV Station reporter Ma Xiaoming, "He
was very brave in fighting during the Anti-Japanese War.
He also won prominent military exploits. Even the CCP
cannot deny his contribution in fighting for our nation.
As for the exploits he won during the war against the CCP,
the CCP won't have any positive evaluation on these.
The CCP has him as a sinner and an anti-communist soldier.

It is not the right time to have a positive emulation
over Zhang Lingfu's merits."

The article also states that overstating Zhang Lingfu is
"a means of political struggle" to deny the rationality of
the Revolutionary War and the CCP regime.

One BBC report pointed out Xu Yan's article reveals the
CCP's concern over peoples' enthusiasm of the national
government and fans of the KMT.

Liu Yinquan said that Zhang Lingfu is a national hero for
his feats in both war against Japan and the the civil war.

Liu Yinquan, "The CCP had the intention to turn China
into part of the Soviet Union.



旅 美原大陆历史学教授刘因全:〝他在抗日战争时期,打了许多胜战,消灭了许多日寇,在这个方面,我们应该给他称赞肯定。抗日战争是一个反法西斯战争,也是个 民族战争,是进行保家卫国的,因为日本军国主义者,是侵略中国的,张灵甫在这个时候发挥了很大的作用,在这方面战功卓着,当然就是民族英雄。〞

26 号,中共中央机关报《人民日报》旗下《环球时报》,刊登国防大学教授徐焰少将的评论文章。文章称,有些人不忘〝借题发挥〞,走向某种极端。张灵甫虽然抗日 有功,但并未指挥过大的会战,将其拔高为〝名将〞,连当年的参战者也感到惊讶。而且,张灵甫积极参加内战,进攻解放区之过,是不能掩盖的。

原 陕西电视台记者马晓明:〝他在抗战中间确实是有过非常英勇的战绩,也是有过非常突出的战功,他在民族抗战的功绩,就连共产党也是不否认的。至于说到在与共 产党军队作战中间的战功、战绩,共产党自然不会对他的战功做正面的评价,肯定(说)他是一个罪人,是反共的军人这种身份。要在中国大陆公正的评价张灵甫的 功过,现在还不是时候。〞




刘 因全:〝共产党在中国发展起来,它是为了把中国变成苏维埃的一部分。他们占领了中国以后,就在中国施行所谓的共产主义、社会主义,结果把中国搞得专制、独 裁,饿死那么多人,屠杀了那么多善良正直的人,给中华民族带来了很大的灾难,张将军在抵抗中共的这种荼毒的时候,发挥了很大的作用,当然也是民族英雄。〞

据 了解,在8年的对日抗战中,蒋介石领导的中华民国政府,发动了大型会战22次,像台儿庄这样的重要战役1,127次,国军206位将军壮烈殉国,陆军伤亡 321万多名官兵,海军舰艇全部打光,空军4,321名飞行员牺牲,2,468架战机被击落。台湾投资中国受害者协会理事长高为邦表示,对日抗战是国民党 打的,中共让国民党军队去牺牲,他们保持实力等着〝收成〞。





采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁

Renowned General of The Anti-Japan War
Causing Concerns For The Regime.

The relocation of general Zhang Lingfu's remains
has become a hot topic among Chinese netizens.
Zhang Lingfu was a renowned Anti-Japanese War General
of the National Party (KMT).
He died during the war between KMT and
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
A CCP Major wrote an article praising Zhang Lingfu as the
"Renowned Anti-Japanese War Hero has special intentions."
Some pointed out the CCP dare not have a fair evaluation
of Zhang Lingfu, as it is worried about its own legitimacy.
Zhang Lingfu's remains were recently discovered
in a sheepfold.
Zhang Lingfu's descendants want the remains
to be moved to his home in Shaanxi Province.
However local farmers request an "appraisal"
fee of 200,000 yuan.

This piece of news has spread widely on the internet.

Netizens praised Zhang Lingfu's participation in many
major battles.
He also "attacked the Japanese invaders
and won many encounters."

U.S. based former professor of history Liu Yinquan, "Zhang
won many battles during the Anti-Japanese War.
He eliminated many Japanese invaders. In this regard,
we should definitely praise him.
The Anti-Japanese War was a war against fascism,
as well as a war to fight for our nation.
Japan was invading China; he was protecting our homeland.
He played a big role in this and for sure he is a national hero."

On Jan. 26 the CCP media Global Times published an article
written by National Defense University professor Xu Yan
Major. The article said that some people remembered to
"state their intentions" through some extreme motives.
Although Zhang Lingfu won exploits during the Anti-
Japanese War, he did not command any large battles.
Overstating him as a renowned general would even
shock participants of these battles.
Zhang Lingfu was also active in the civil war against
the CCP. These things cannot be covered up.

Former Shaanxi TV Station reporter Ma Xiaoming, "He
was very brave in fighting during the Anti-Japanese War.
He also won prominent military exploits. Even the CCP
cannot deny his contribution in fighting for our nation.
As for the exploits he won during the war against the CCP,
the CCP won't have any positive evaluation on these.
The CCP has him as a sinner and an anti-communist soldier.

It is not the right time to have a positive emulation
over Zhang Lingfu's merits."

The article also states that overstating Zhang Lingfu is
"a means of political struggle" to deny the rationality of
the Revolutionary War and the CCP regime.

One BBC report pointed out Xu Yan's article reveals the
CCP's concern over peoples' enthusiasm of the national
government and fans of the KMT.

Liu Yinquan said that Zhang Lingfu is a national hero for
his feats in both war against Japan and the the civil war.

Liu Yinquan, "The CCP had the intention to turn China
into part of the Soviet Union.
Once it ruled China, the CCP implemented the so-called
communism and socialism, and turned China into a country
of autocracy and dictatorship. Many people died of starvation.

Many kind people were killed.
The CCP brought so many disasters to the Chinese nation.
General Zhang played a huge role in fighting with the CCP.
Of course he is a national hero."

It is understood that during the eight year Anti-Japanese War,
the Republic of China government led by Chiang Kai-shek
launched 22 large-scale battles and 1,127 battles similar to
the famous Taierzhuang Battle.
206 generals died, over 3.21 million army soldiers died,
all naval ships were lost.
4,321 Air Force pilots died, 2,468 aircrafts were shot down.

Taiwanese Investment in China Victims Association
CEO Gao Weibang said the Anti-Japanese War was
done by the KMT. The CCP let the KMT troops
sacrifice themselves while they waited to "harvest."

Liu Yingquang pointed out a fair evaluation on this piece
of history and General Zhang Lingfu will help people in
China recognize that the CCP government does not have
legitimacy for the country.

Liu Yinquang, "During the entire Anti-Japanese War, the
CCP did not carry out many battles against the Japanese.
The CCP has been trying to distort this part of history.

Its evaluation of General Zhang is part of the effort
to cover up history."

An article on The Epoch Times News Network written
by Lin Hu, revealed that The Battle of Pingxingguan
praised by the CCP was actually by the KMT 15th Army.

The CCP army arranged to assist the battle
acted as deserters on the battlefield.
In order to cover up their escape and deceive the world
CCP history books deliberately distort history by praising
the CCP for gaining the Pingxingguan victory.

Some netizens said praising soldiers with real feats were
labeled as "special intention." Is there right and wrong?
The special intention is to have justice for the nation.
Praise of these heroes show the people are awakening.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie
- See more at: http://cn.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2015/01/30/a1173283.html#sthash.Nf75Lx6p.dpuf
Once it ruled China, the CCP implemented the so-called
communism and socialism, and turned China into a country
of autocracy and dictatorship. Many people died of starvation.

Many kind people were killed.
The CCP brought so many disasters to the Chinese nation.
General Zhang played a huge role in fighting with the CCP.
Of course he is a national hero."

It is understood that during the eight year Anti-Japanese War,
the Republic of China government led by Chiang Kai-shek
launched 22 large-scale battles and 1,127 battles similar to
the famous Taierzhuang Battle.
206 generals died, over 3.21 million army soldiers died,
all naval ships were lost.
4,321 Air Force pilots died, 2,468 aircrafts were shot down.

Taiwanese Investment in China Victims Association
CEO Gao Weibang said the Anti-Japanese War was
done by the KMT. The CCP let the KMT troops
sacrifice themselves while they waited to "harvest."

Liu Yingquang pointed out a fair evaluation on this piece
of history and General Zhang Lingfu will help people in
China recognize that the CCP government does not have
legitimacy for the country.

Liu Yinquang, "During the entire Anti-Japanese War, the
CCP did not carry out many battles against the Japanese.
The CCP has been trying to distort this part of history.

Its evaluation of General Zhang is part of the effort
to cover up history."

An article on The Epoch Times News Network written
by Lin Hu, revealed that The Battle of Pingxingguan
praised by the CCP was actually by the KMT 15th Army.

The CCP army arranged to assist the battle
acted as deserters on the battlefield.
In order to cover up their escape and deceive the world
CCP history books deliberately distort history by praising
the CCP for gaining the Pingxingguan victory.

Some netizens said praising soldiers with real feats were
labeled as "special intention." Is there right and wrong?
The special intention is to have justice for the nation.
Praise of these heroes show the people are awakening.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie
- See more at: http://cn.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2015/01/30/a1173283.html#sthash.Nf75Lx6p.dpuf

